Which is a good thing considering that carpet is being replaced more and more every day by "wood" flooring and tile. I put quotations around wood becuase most people cannot afford to put true wood floors down and are instead using laminates which is fine because we can clean them just as easily. I highly recommend researching wood cleaning, Bridgepoint has a great system that is easy to do and not much overhead. The best thing is that the going rate is anywhere from $1-$1.50 per sq. ft. Now remember we are not re-finishing the floors just cleaning them. All you need is a floor buffer, maroon pad, white pad, and few terry cloth covers for a shmop. Very simple if you want more details let me know and i can send you the step by step info. Hurry up and jump on board and get the high rates while you can before they start to drop just like tile cleaning has.
Good luck and start advertising "Now Cleaning Wood Floors"