Like upholstery cleaning and carpet cleaning alike i get asked this question alot. Prices have come down significantly over the years (unfortunately), with that being said though there are still many customers getting top dollar, it is all about how you present yourself and how well you educate your customers. I think that it is safe to say though if you can get as close to the .50 per sq. ft. range you are doing ok and maybe anywhere from .75-$1.00 per square foot to clean and seal. I know alot of you are thinking that maybe high or even low but that is what the average is at least in SW FL.
Now for the people who think that is to low then good for you and keep doing what you are doing, and for the ones who think that is to high i think that you are selling yourself short and should take a good look at the way you are approaching your customers whether it be by advertising or face to face. Tile flooring isn't cheap and with the tools you use on daily basis you can really make the customers investment look brand new again and they need to know that. So good luck out there and remember that your labor is the most expensive part of your business and you shouldn't sell yourself short!!