I was lucky enough to see first hand what the TES (thermal energy system) could do in a worse case scenario and even better compare it to a desiccant that was operating in the same situation just next door.
I had gone to Marietta Ga. to help a good customer of mine that had gotten about 20 houses with affected crawl spaces/garages. This situation was new to the both of us seeing how we don't have crawl spaces in Florida we knew it was going to be a learning experience and that it was to say the least. The fact that both of us have attended the TES drying academy and are WRT certified certainly helped us get through it. I am not going to bore you with all of the details but to make a very long story short we proved that when you see advertisements saying "Dry in 30 Hours or less"(in most cases) it is a pretty accurate statement considering we were dealing with some of the hardest conditions: rain, some areas too tight to fit equipment in, un vented or overly vented crawl spaces, home owners not home, power issues, etc etc...
I'm not going to lie when you see a big diesel fired desiccant parked at the job next door to you and you have a dual axle trailer with a TES machine mounted in it with a few small hoses ran out of it, it was a little intimidating looking back its funny to know how much more money they were spending every day between the fuel, rental, etc.. and that on particular house we actually dried 24hrs faster than they did and moved on to the next, just to prove that Hot Dry Air to What is affected is the Fastest way to dry.
We were able to direct our heated air to the materials to where they were only able to pump dry air into the crawl space and hoping that it made it through the entire 6000-8000 cubic foot of channeled (yes channeled like a maze) needless to say our TES unit really performed to par. I and my customer were very pleased with the results and it was a great experience!
I had gone to Marietta Ga. to help a good customer of mine that had gotten about 20 houses with affected crawl spaces/garages. This situation was new to the both of us seeing how we don't have crawl spaces in Florida we knew it was going to be a learning experience and that it was to say the least. The fact that both of us have attended the TES drying academy and are WRT certified certainly helped us get through it. I am not going to bore you with all of the details but to make a very long story short we proved that when you see advertisements saying "Dry in 30 Hours or less"(in most cases) it is a pretty accurate statement considering we were dealing with some of the hardest conditions: rain, some areas too tight to fit equipment in, un vented or overly vented crawl spaces, home owners not home, power issues, etc etc...
I'm not going to lie when you see a big diesel fired desiccant parked at the job next door to you and you have a dual axle trailer with a TES machine mounted in it with a few small hoses ran out of it, it was a little intimidating looking back its funny to know how much more money they were spending every day between the fuel, rental, etc.. and that on particular house we actually dried 24hrs faster than they did and moved on to the next, just to prove that Hot Dry Air to What is affected is the Fastest way to dry.
We were able to direct our heated air to the materials to where they were only able to pump dry air into the crawl space and hoping that it made it through the entire 6000-8000 cubic foot of channeled (yes channeled like a maze) needless to say our TES unit really performed to par. I and my customer were very pleased with the results and it was a great experience!