Finally there is Professional support for the Professional Cleaners in the Sarasota-Bradenton area. We have opened a new location located at 4401 Ashton Rd, Unit C in Sarasota, no more having to drive over the dreadful bridge. Please feel free to stop by and check out our new store. We think that it is a real breath of fresh air and that you will be happy with the location and of course the unbeaten customer service. So if you are sick of dealing with the "Corporate Guys" come on by for a cup of coffee and meet Matt and Justin. We know that owner operators like dealing with other owner operators and that's why we are here. We want to thank all of the support that we have already received up here and look forward to meeting everyone soon.
Just a quick note that we will be hosting a Barbecue sponsored by Chemspec on April 27th from 11am-2pm. Stop by for some great food and promotions and a chance to win..... Please call ahead and RSVP for you and your staff. We look forward to seeing all who can attend!