A new customer and I recently attended the "Planning to Win" Symposium sponsored by Interlink Supply held at the Reets Drying Academy in Ga. and I just wanted to give a brief overview of what we learned. The whole conference was designed to educate the restoration business owner on how to market Adjusters, Agents, and Plumbers in ways never done before (by most). It focused on really differentiating your company from the rest of the competition by providing programs that grow their business which in turn will grow yours. Its about getting away from the "donut dropping" marketing plans most restoration companies have in place. Also taking "spiffs" out of the picture and getting referrals strictly because you are the best and they cant afford not to send you work.
I could go on and on about what we learned but I think I can sum it up with one statement and one question that you need to ask you self:
What can you offer Adjusters, Agents, and Plumbers that no other restoration company can or is willing to do?
Think outside the box!!
If you want to pick my brain about some ideas that I have that will help grow your business contact me anyway you wish. I cant tell you all the secrets though, so i recommend attending the Planning to Win Symposium yourself.